The rules were created with the intention that each and every one of us maintain a fair and competitive gameplay. It is important to read all of the rules carefully to be fully aware of each of them.


Before presenting the rules of the game, we need to explain how PvPs and Wars are played: PvP (Player versus Player) is a 1v1, a battle between 2 players. A private room is created with only 2 players and, usually, a judge / referee is mandatory to make sure it is a valid PvP for rank. A point is given in each round to one of the two players: if the shaman kills the mouse, it is the shaman's point. On the other hand, if the mouse survives the whole round, it is the mouse's point. Keep in mind that the mouse can commit suicide if the shaman has died. If the shaman kills himself and the mouse with the same cannon, the point is given to the shaman, if the shaman kills himself with a cannon and then another cannon kills the mouse, it is mouse's point. The first player to reach 10 points is the winner of the PvP. The wars are a 2v2 or 3v3 or 4v4, etc (2/3 of the same tribe against another 2/3 of another tribe is a tribe war) gameplay. In official wars, this is mandatory: guests from outside the tribe are not allowed. A private room is created with 4/6 players (and a judge, if the war is a war between ranked tribes). It is played in the same way as a pvp, only that the shaman of a team has to kill the 2/3 players of the other tribe. The number of points to be reached by a team to win is 15.

1. All PvP for ranks must have at least one JUDGE / REFEREE (one of the official judges, or someone put in charge of supervising a PvP by an official judge), the judge is the maximum authority during the PvP his word must be followed no matter if you don't agree with his decisions on top of that the judge holds the power to modify rules and even cancel the pvp if the situation calls for it.

2. Before starting the vs send a full screen capture, ping, ips, task manager, task bar and hidden icons that will be reviewed by the referee. 

3. The required ping is 300, if a player has more than 300 he must notify the referee before the round starts, the vs cannot continue until the players have less than 300. If the ping doesn't go below 300 before 5 minutes, the pvp should be postponed (players have to fix date/hour to play the pvp). If it happens during the second pvp the player, will lose by w.o (x2). At x4 the player would be out of rank.

Lag Interference: If lag impacts the PvP, the referee must immediately stop the match. If the laggy player does not lower their ping within 5 minutes, the PvP will be postponed and resumed later, typically continuing from the previous score. The referee will determine what is fair, but generally, the match should resume with the same score.

4. Stop: The stop will only take effect on the next round and the player must notify the referee that he wants to stop, but in case the player doesn't get a chance to say so, the act of stop playing (go afk) will be taken as a stop. If after 10 minutes of stop the player hasn't returned it will be taken as w.o.

5. Spectators and referees may not influence the gameplay in any way. if this happens and a vs player is affected, he must be taken to the position where he was and in case he dies, the round is repeated from the same time before his death. If one of the players or the judge is against the presence of spectators, they will not be permitted to join and the match will be held without spectators.

6. If the referee dies with more than 20 seconds left in the round and the time is affected, the round repeats from the same time before his death, yet if the shaman decides to continue the match will proceed normally if the mouse dies the point will be given to the Shaman, but if the time comes to an end, without the mouse dying, the round will be redone but with less 20s.

7. Only the use of the Mouse Pointer is allowed, the use of another program is prohibited and the player will be disqualified. Here is an example of mousepointer that you can download : https://cursorattention.software.informer.com/1.4 https://www.cse.uaa.alaska.edu/~afkjm/PenAttention/

8. If a referee cannot continue, the game is put on hold and will continue from the same score with another referee. It is advised that the players or previous referee inform the next referee who was going to be shaman so that there are no arguments.

9. After the pvp, the winner's computer will be checked with TeamViewer or Any Desk if the referee or player demand for it.

10. Refuse: Will be counted as "refuse" each rejected ranked pvp, on different days, each decline will count as an x1 and with x2 the player will be removed from the ranks. In case one of the players is removed, each player below will step forward 1 place and the last place will remain as "vacant" until a pvp for that spot occurs. Will not count as refusing if:

The player comes to a mutual agreement with the challenger on a date for the pvp.

A player comes talk with a staff member and tell them that he will be away from rank (along with the reason) for an amount of time lower than 1 week, the spot will remain in their possession (not every reason will be accepted and is up to the staff to decide what will or not be accepted).

⮕  Disrecpecting the judge or the oponent will result on a foul, if the amount reaches 3 the pvp will canceled and the staff will discuss and take actions regarding the player. Toxicity X3= w.o/canceled pvp 

Who you can pvp and who you cannot pvp in the rank?
Top 6-10 cannot reject pvps outside of the rank (2x refuse = u out of the rank)
⮕ Top 5 and above can reject pvp with people outside of the rank (no refusal will be counted)
⮕ Top 10-4 cannot reject each other (2x refuse = u out of the rank)
⮕ Only top 5 and top 4 can force top 1-3 to play (refusal will be counted)
⮕ To prove a refusal you have to send a print (fullscreen with a date, an hour etc.) to one of the Admins.


1. Hug: touching or stepping over the shaman or cannons is prohibited and is considered hug. Hug x2 = point for the shaman, won't count as hug in the following situations:

When the mouse doesn't have enough space or he's in his spawn

If the cn is moving

If the player is pushed by a cannon.

2. Space : Whoever steps into a platform first gets priority on it. Meaning that for;

- Survivor: If the survivor lands on a platform before the shaman, they get priority on that platform and the shaman must give them at least a full plank's length of room to survive as shown below : 

If space is not given, the survivor can hug. Exception being if the survivor has a platform underneath to land onto. In that case, the shaman is not required to give them space:

- Shaman: If the shaman lands on a platform before the survivor, they get priority as well. Meaning that they are not required to give the survivor a full plank's length and are able to place down cannons in the near vicinity of the survivor. Examples:

Additionnally, placing a cannon here is no longer valid and will be considered "space", as there is a very limited amount of space in the 3 most-right platforms :

And going up there as the surviving mice will be considered as "camp x1", since the shaman has no real access over there :  

3. Camp: It is forbidden to stay behind a platform where the shaman cannot kill for more than 3s, with the exception that the shaman does not stop summoning without allowing the other player to climb. Camp x2 = point for the shaman.

4. Lagging the connection intentionally and other bugs/glitches (for example, Ctrl + C and click on X) are forbidden. Bug/Glitch x1 = PvP canceled & the bugger abuser will get a warning after the 1st warning if they do it again it'll result on a ban.

5. Spawn: Spawn corresponds to the place where the mouse spawns in this area the mouse can freely hug the shaman and cannons if those are invading his spawn, the spawn will be lost once the mouse leaves his spawning platform, in most cases spawn does not correspond to the entire spawning platform, the spawn space is similar to regular space, but in this case it is a plank in total, so it will be 1/2 of a plank to each side where the mouse originally spawned.


1. Only cannons are allowed to kill, any use of another item to kill is considered x1 = point to survivor.

2. Portals are not valid (except when it is to save the judge or spectators). Portal x1 = Point for the opponent.

3. The spark (SP) is only valid to boost you as a shaman, referee and teammates, without affecting your opponent.

4. Fake: It is forbidden to stop the cannon on its summoning and summon it back instantly (Shaman must wait at least 2s to summon again). If it affects the rival, it is considered fake x1 and the shaman must take it where it was and if it dies, the round is repeated at the same time before death. Fake x3 = point to the survivor.

5. If a cannon goes out instant and affects the rival, it is considered insta x1 and the shaman must return to where he was and if he dies, the round is repeated at the same time before his death. Insta x3 = point to the survivor.

6. If a cannon comes out fast, as in it comes out before the time of its invocation and affects the rival, it is considered in fast x1 and the shaman must take it where it was and if it dies, the round is repeated at the same time before its death. Fast x3 = Survivor point.

7. If a cannon is delayed and affects the rival, it is considered Retra x1 and the shaman must take it where it was and if it dies, the round is repeated at the same time before its death, Retra x3 = point to the survivor.

8. If the shaman generates 3 or more than 3 cannons at the same time and affects the rival, it is considered Totem x1 and the shaman must get to where he was and if he dies, the round is repeated in the same time before death. In the case of totem x1 the Shaman must SP the survivor to his previous position. Totem x2 = point to the survivor.

9. Putting 2 or more cannons on a platform higher than the survivor and propelling them down for the kill and they affect the survivor is considered a Waterfall x1 = point to the survivor.

10. If the meep affects the survivor it must be taken to the same position where it was before the meep, if the mouse comes to die and the meep was intentional to try skip the map the point will be given to the mouse. However if the meep was unintentional the round will be redone with the corresponding time before mouse death, it is up to the referee to decide if was intentional or not. Additionally if the survivor tries to abuse of the meep to get a point or skip the map ,by that it means intentionally not trying to survive to the meep, the point will be given to the sham.

11.  Anchor cannons are prohibited and Anchor x1 = point to survivor.

12- Skill are not allowed in the vs.  

13. Cannons skins are prohibited, including the cannon bug !

14.  Summoning a cannon that is covered by some area of ​​the map, its direction is not visible and affects the rival is considered hide x1 and if it dies the round is repeated at the same time before death, hide x3= point to the survivor.

15. The use of CTRL is entirely forbidden. If used to knock down a surviving mice, the shaman has to stop spawning cannons and give them spirit to allow the survivor to get back up to its platform.

CTRL x3 = point

Killing with CTRL = point for the survivor

16. Banned maps :
The following 7 maps are now banned and will be skipped in any official PvPs hosted by TSR


1. Hack - If done once, the user will be suspended from the top 744 hours (31 days). If it is done twice, the user will be suspended 2,976 hours (124 days). If it is done a third time, the player will be permanently banned from the tops page. There are also exceptions where the staff together decide how long the ban gonna be (this is valid for each subgroup).

2. Irresponsible/Bad conduct (including disrespecting other players or judges) and lying or cheating on pvp scores (including faking prints or editing). Depending on the situation, the penalty for this case is a warning, which dictates that you will be banned from the ranking for 72 hours.

3. Bugging or lagging the connection intentionally, (repeating bug or lag many times) can cause the player to be banned from the ranks up to 720 hours.

4. We only penalize the players when we see what they did ourselves. If you think a player deserves to be banned from the ranking, do not hesitate to contact us. Do not forget to take screenshots, screens / prints or even videos as proof, as we dont penalize without evidence.

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