Tribes Hall of Fame
Cannabis Club
Server: BR.
Years: 2015.
Team: Crislich, Generalbyte, Marchemelow, Rjnews, Danizinhowrj.
Note: Contained the 5 best players on the server at that time.
Server: FR.
Years: 2015-2017.
Team: Survivook, Darkicarax, Nythi0ps, Lolwarkdi/T3nka, Starivok.
Note: Contained the 5 best players on the server at that time and had the record for the tribe with the most players in top global (6) until 2020.
Three Elements
Server: ES.
Years: 2015-2017.
Team: Itipb, Stakqz, Soulssz, Alejopssy, Apruebadetodo.
Note: Contained the 5 best players on the server at that time.
Lazt Complex
Server: BR.
Years: 2014-2016.
Team: Freelex, Darkicarax, Ribathics, Realiynx/Kise_one, Miiiingauuuu.
Note: Together with its predecessor Lazt Warning, contained roughly 1200 competitive players.
The SurViVers
Server: BR.
Years: 2012.
Team: Xxsammerxx, Xxbahamutxx, Flycube, Gildartsx, Dadopr.
Note: First top 1 tribe.
Cannon Harmony
Server: RO
Years: 2020.
Team: Err00000, Darkicarax, Jokaspra, Liarr, T_z, Eztiermice, Aypinn, Attractive, Txz
Note: Tribe with the most players included in Rank Global at the same time in history (8)
Honourable mentions:
- Green Valley MV (Crislich, Rjnews, Miiiingauuuu, Jrlifes, Marchemelow).
- Sobreviventes Solitarios (Triqsiz, Ghosthier, Marchemelow, Siriosp/Scarybyte).
- L'Absolution (Survivook, Nythi0ps, Darkicarax, Starivok, Lolwarkdi/T3nka).
- Sit On A Plank (Bumcream, Hristo, Mingser, Mattninety, Crocoper, Daelement).
- Blizzard' (Imbestsurv, Miiiingauuuu).
- El Viejo Oeste (Itipb, Turtleslthre, Akejr, Survivook).